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This technology is a tailored Hydro Mechanical Cleaning (HMC) process.
Over the years, Reinhart Cleaning Technology (RCT) improved and matured.
In 1996, RCT was used offshore the first time in the Beatrice oil field on the North East Coast of Scotland.
After this historical step, RCT developed differently compared to the standard pigging procedure.
Comparing RCT to Pigging is like comparing “apples to oranges”.
The aim of both techniques is to clean pipelines, but both methods are totally different.
In this documentation, the three big differences between HMC and Pigging will be explained.
Mid-2010 RHC SA was contacted by a client in order to clean a heavy waxed 16’’ crude oil transport line in the south of the UK.
The first cleaning campaign took place early 2011, the second cleaning campaign was performed mid-2015.
The following case study will demonstrate the efficiency of HMC (Hydro Mechanical Cleaning) using RCT (Reinhart Cleaning Technology).
The relationship between company Dow Deutschland Anlagengesellschaft mbH (DOW) with its underground brine chamber sites around Ohrensen, Germany and Reinhart Hydrocleaning SA (RHC SA) is a success story in itself.
Prior to explaining the different ways of mechanical cleaning brine pipelines one has to know that RHC SA has worked with DOW since 2007 providing cleaning solutions for different pipelines.
Comparison of buying stock- or pre-cleaned pipe in terms of HSE, costs and time prior to pipeline pre-commissioning
Pipeline construction and its pre-commissioning phase is a very sensitive subject, especially when the pipeline is constructed to transport dangerous gases such as oxygen, hydrogen or nitrogen.
The following article provides information gained from experience over the last three decades spent cleaning oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen pipelines worldwide.
Pipeline integrity is a crucial topic that goes hand in hand with the need to operate and maintain a pipeline to ensure continued, safe and efficient performance.
This article deals with pipeline integrity and the internal cleaning management of a pipeline during its lifetime.
In this paper, presented at the OPT Conference & Exhibition in 2006 in Amsterdam, Jon Hawes exposed his study about the removal of pipeline scale of the "Dunbar to Alywn Export Pipeline". The 22km long 16'' Pipe-in-Pipe pipeline, located to the east of the Shetland Islands, presented a very fast scale deposition after only 3 years of exploitation. The RHC SA Hydro-Mechanical cleaning solution was selected over many other cleaning methods (Conventional Scraper Pigging, HP Water Jetting, Chemical Cleaning, etc). The cleaning was a success and a good example to illustrate the information presented in the RHC info paper - HMC vs Pigging paper.